DropDownDatePicker tests

Here are some date pickers positioned statically. Drop down should appear below the input box.

Wipe: Explode: Fade:

There are also tests for menu positioning in the corners of this page (upper right, lower right

Some localized DropdatePickers inside a form

Parser is barfing here in Eclipse+Safari. Why? value="today"

US format, empty

US format with initial date of 2006-06-26

With initial date of 1969-04-25 and a custom format dd/MM/yyyy


In German:

In Dutch:

In Japanese:

In Chinese (PRC):

In Chinese (Taiwan):

US format with initial date of 2006-06-26 and long formatting (parse not supported)

German format with initial date of 2006-06-26 and long formatting (parse not supported)

Value sent as RFC3339

Custom save format: yyyy!dd!mm

Value sent as time since Unix Epoch

These are broken tests for trac tickets:
Wipe: with startDate="2006-10-10" (inputNode is not updating when clicking a date ticket #1694)
Explode: testing invalid initial value of "oiwerwerw" (should render as no value provided not NaN/NaN/NaN ticket #1692)