ScriptSrcIO test page: How To | Simple and Polling Tests | JSONP And JSON Callback Tests | DSR ID/Multipart Tests
Prevent Cache Force Single Request Add Content Parameters

Simple and Polling (checkString) Tests

JSONP and JSON Callback Tests

Use "callback" as JSON callback parameter instead of "jsonp"
Query Params (should be proper name=urlEncodedValue&name=urlEncodedValue... syntax):

(Should print out "animalType is mammal")
(May see error message since it is a bogus URL)

DSR ID/Multipart Tests

Constant Params:
Query Params (should be proper name=urlEncodedValue&name=urlEncodedValue... syntax):

(May see error message since it is a bogus URL)

How to Use ScriptSrcIO/ScriptSrcTransport

ScriptSrcIO (which provides ScriptSrcTransport) allows for four basic types of requests:

Each type uses <script src="url"></script> to accomplish the request. To use ScriptSrcIO, use the following require statements:

and use the normal method. To force a ScriptSrcTransport request, use transport: "ScriptSrcTransport" in the keyword arguments to ScriptSrcTransport also implements the transport.canHandle() method, but since the requirements for ScriptSrcTransport are a subset of XMLHTTPTransport, and XMLHTTPTransport will be registered as a transport before ScriptSrcTransport (ScriptSrcTransport depends on BrowserIO.js, which will register XMLHTTPTransport), it is unlikely that ScriptSrcTransport's canHandle() will be called. So, the explicit transport argument is suggested.

Here is a list of bind() keyword arguments that are supported for all types of requests. The four types of transport requests are:

Simply adds a script element with a src. Does not do any polling and does not expect a callback. Also does not support any timeouts. Example:{
	url: "http://the.script.url/goes/here",
	transport: "ScriptSrcTransport"

Adds a script element with a src. It will poll to see if a typeof expression does not equal undefined. When the typeof check succeeds, a load callback is called. Timeout and error callbacks are supported with this type of request. Example:{
	url: "http://the.script.url/goes/here",
	transport: "ScriptSrcTransport",
	checkString: "foo", //This means (typeof(foo) != undefined) indicates that the script loaded.
	load: function(type, data, event, kwArgs) { /* type will be "load", data and event null, , and kwArgs are the keyword arguments used in the call. */ },
	error: function(type, data, event, kwArgs) { /* type will be "error", data and event will have the error, , and kwArgs are the keyword arguments used in the call. */ },
	timeout: function() { /* Called if there is a timeout */},
	timeoutSeconds: 10 //The number of seconds to wait until firing timeout callback in case of timeout.

JSONP and JSON Callbacks
Adds a script element with a src. This sort of usage allows using services that use the JSONP convention to specify the callback that the server will use. Specify the name of the JSONP callback parameter using jsonParamName. Yahoo! Web Services use a jsonParamName of "callback". Some other services use jsonParamName of "jsonp". Timeouts are supported with this type of request. Example for a data service that uses "callback" as the URL parameter:{
	url: "http://the.script.url/goes/here",
	transport: "ScriptSrcTransport",
	jsonParamName: "callback",
	load: function(type, data, event, kwArgs) { /* type will be "load", data will be response data,  event will null, and kwArgs are the keyword arguments used in the call. */ },
	error: function(type, data, event, kwArgs) { /* type will be "error", data will be response data,  event will null, and kwArgs are the keyword arguments used in the call. */ },
	timeout: function() { /* Called if there is a timeout */},
	timeoutSeconds: 10 //The number of seconds to wait until firing timeout callback in case of timeout.

Adds a script element with a src. Uses the Dynamic Script Request convention to specify the callback that the server will use. Multipart requests (splitting a long request across multiple GET requests) is supported. Timeout and error callbacks are supported with this type of request. Example:{
	url: "http://the.script.url/goes/here",
	transport: "ScriptSrcTransport",
	useRequestId: true, //adds the _dsrId to request with a generated ID. If a specific request ID is wanted, use apiId: "myId" instead
	//optional: forceSingleRequest: true, //Will not segment the request to multipart requests even if it is a long URL.
	constantParams: "name1=value1&name2=value2" //params to be sent with each request that is part of a multipart request. See spec.
	load: function(type, data, event, kwArgs) { /* type will be "load", data will be response data, event will be onscriptload event, and kwArgs are the keyword arguments used in the call. */ },
	error: function(type, data, event, kwArgs) { /* type will be "error", data will be response data, event will be onscriptload event, and kwArgs are the keyword arguments used in the call. */ },
	timeout: function() { /* Called if there is a timeout */},
	timeoutSeconds: 10 //The number of seconds to wait until firing timeout callback in case of timeout.

Common bind() arguments
ScriptSrcTransport supports the following arguments across all types of requests. In general, all of these arguments have the same meaning and use in XMLHTTPTransport.