There are many classes of events, published with dojo.event.publish mechanism. Every event has a name and message object, containing more precise information about what happened. You may use events to update your data while tree changes, and to perform additional processing of involved objects.
There is a default naming scheme for an event class. E.g for a tree with widgetId='mytree', event of class afterTreeCreate will be named "mytree/afterTreeCreate". You may provide other names in eventNames property of the tree.
Event occurs after tree creation is complete. There is an alternative to hook on this action by putting your objects in "listeners" property of the tree. The difference is that listeners are guaranteed to hook before nodes get added, and afterTreeCreate is published after Tree widget is created.
Published right before actual Tree#destroy method is called. Useful for cleanups
Right before TreeNode#destroy is called. Node is detached after this event fired.
This event is tightly created with node creation process. It is fired when
Fires when a node obtains "folder" state. That may happen when a first child is added to a leaf, or if a node was initially created with isFolder=true
Fires when a node obtains looses "folder" state. That may happen when a last child leaves the node, and Tree.unsetFolderOnEmptyis set, or when unsetFolder is called explicitly.
These events share same arguments and fire when a node is moved. Move process is considered something special. When you move a node, no detach/addChild events get thrown. That allows to tell situations when a node leaves a tree for some time (detached then attached) from situations when a node is simply moved to another location
Published when a node is attached to parent. This may happen at the end of creation process, or when a node is lazily instantiated from data object.
Occurs when a node is detached. This may happen in the process of node destruction.
Fire when a node is expanded/collapsed. Some togglers do nice animation hiding/showing node. This event fires when animation finishes.