, and you will get the box below.
Including the buttons and the summary below the box.
>>> 1+1 2FAILED, actual result was:
>>> "one" + "two" "three"FAILED, actual result was:
>>> (new dojo._Url("http://localhost/?a=1&b=2")).query "a=1&b=2"FAILED, actual result was:
>>> dojo.trim(" 123 ") "123"FAILED, actual result was:
>>> var one = 1 >>> "two" + one "two1"FAILED, actual result was:
>>> var one = 1 >>> 2 + one "21"FAILED, actual result was:
>>> var l = [1,5,8,9,0]; >>> dojo.indexOf(l, 8); 2FAILED, actual result was: