dojox.widget.Dialog module tests

This is the DojoX version of the dijit.Dialog. It is both very simple, and very different.


A Simple subclass mixing the capabilities of dojox.layout.ContentPane with default dijit.Dialog styles

DialogSimple DialogSimple:exejs


Fancy. Has more options. Different styles, too.

Defaults only Size to viewport, default padding (35) Size to viewport + 100 padding dimensions 600 x 420 sizeDuration and easing href + defaults showTitle draggable method = combine, easing programatic modal:true show prog.double show.

There are several additional parameters to define how you want to display the dialog. It makes some assumption about how you want to size your pane.

That's all folks, all of the supported options have buttons and inline tests.

The names of these will be reversed in Dojo 2.0, should they survive the migration