Test dojox.form.FileUploader - Form
FileUploader Widget Form Test
NOTE: This test does upload,
but the server scripts are renamed to tests/UploadFile.php.disabled and
tests/cLOG.php.disabled to prevent security attacks on hosted servers.
You should rename these files (removing .disabled) in your local copy to conduct tests.
Both forms on this page are the same except one is for testing the Flash Uploader and one
is for the HTML Uploader. The following features are being tested:
- Disabled: The Uploaders are disabled unless the Group field is populated.
- Submit: The Submit buttons actually submit to the uploaders, and they post the data.
- Post Data: Post data is tested. The field data should be in the thumbnails.
- Selected List: If passing the ID of a container, the Uploaders will populate it with
the selected files.
- Deleting Files: You can now delete pending files.
- Progress Built in: showProgress:true will change the button to a progress bar on upload.
- Progress Attach: Passing progressWidgetId will tell the Uploader of a progress widget.
If the Progress widget is initially hidden, it will change to visible and then restored after
- A11Y: The Flash button can be accessed with the TAB key. (The HTML cannot due to browser