
Also try using the arrow keys, buttons, or clicking on the progress bar to move the slider.

Horizontal Slider Example

initial value=10, min=0, max=100, pageIncrement=100, onChange event triggers input box value change immediately
    1. lowest
    2. normal
    3. highest

    Vertical Slider Example

    initial value=10, min=0, max=100, onChange event triggers input box value change when you mouse up or tab away
    1. 0
    2. 100

      Fancy HTML labels (no slide animation):

      1. small
      2. medium
      3. large

      Standalone ruler example:

      1. 1
      2. 2

      Horizontal, with buttons, disabled (to show styling):

        1. lowest
        2. normal
        3. highest

        Fractional Slider Example

        initial value=0.28, min=0, max=2, onChange event triggers input box value change when you mouse up or tab away