dijit/layout/ContentPane layout related DOH test

Tests ContentPane in it's role as a layout widget, including as child of another layout widgets (especially TabContainer).

Tests that href gets loaded when ContentPane is first made visible

unselected pane
initially selected inner pane
unselected pane
left pane
center pane

Tests for resizing in a layout container hierarchy

initially selected pane
resizable widget
resizable widget
hide the second widget to see if ContentPane can still find it resizable widget ending text
resizable widget resizable widget
resizable widget

Size on Form, single nested layout widget

resizable widget
resizable widget

Size on Form, multiple nested widgets

resizable widget resizable widget
resizable widget

No size on Form, single nested layout widgets

resizable widget

No size on Form, multiple nested layout widget

resizable widget resizable widget

Tests that ContentPane resize doesn't trigger reload

unselected pane

Test the ContentPane loads href and resizes children (as per it's contract a layout widget) when it's not a child of a layout container itself

+Closed TitlePane Href Single Child

+Closed TitlePane Href Multiple Children

-Opened TitlePane Href Single Child

-Opened TitlePane Href Multiple Children

-Opened TitlePane Multiple Children

+Closed TitlePane Multiple Children