dijit.layout.BorderContainer tests

Headline layout (default), left is constrained - min:150, max:250

top bar (resizable)
left (resizable b/w 150 → 250)
main panel with a link.
(to check we're copying children around properly).
Here's some text that comes AFTER the combo box.
right (fixed size)
bottom bar (resizable)

Sidebar layout, BiDi sensitive, liveSplitters: false

leading (fixed size)
top bar (fixed size)
main panel with a link.
(to check we're copying children around properly).
Here's some text that comes AFTER the combo box.
bottom bar (resizable)
trailing (resizable)

gutters=false layout

top bar
main panel with a link.
(to check we're copying children around properly).
Here's some text that comes AFTER the combo box.
bottom bar

Vertical panels only with splitters

top bar
main panel with a link.
(to check we're copying children around properly).
Here's some text that comes AFTER the combo box.
bottom bar

More fun with layouts

top a
top b
bottom c
bottom d
leading e
leading f
trailing g

Watching the splitter events


Splitter coords output:

nothing moving