dojox.form.FileUploader / FileInputOverlay

The following is an example of how FileInputOverlay's simple APIs can be tapped into, so you can build your own file input. For the file to actually upload, you'll need to have PHP enabled.

NOTE: FileInputOverlay is intended to be a fallback from FileInputFlash in FileUploader. This test remains because of the layout complexity. It can of course be called directly if no Flash is desired.

Uploaded Files:

The main purpose behind FileInputOverlay is its ability to "attach" to buttons with as many different CSS styles as possible.
Below are tests for attaching to Dijit Buttons and a DIV. Some styles tested are inline, block, floats, margins and padding. See the test source code for the styles.

See the console for logging information.

Div Btn3
Btn 0
Btn 1
Btn 2