dojo.NodeList-fx and dojox.fx.ext-dojo.Nodelist | fx add-ons to dojo.query()
NodeList and dojo.query "magic"
stuff going on:
- watch the startup cycle
- click col 6
- click top right box
- hover to highlight() node
classes available to play with:
each row: .rowOne .rowTwo .rowThree .rowFour
each col: .iOne .iTwo .. iSeven
#randomNode, #node9, #node7, #aNode, #node1, #node2, #node4, #node6
the dojo.query() isn't limited to the testDiv, it parses the body. try: dojo.query("fieldset") and slideBy animation
EXPERIMENTAL: dojox.fx.ext-dojo.NodeList -- APIs subject to change without notice.
Click on an object in the Log display
Hover over HTML elements in the main page. Click to hold selection.