Maven build for Dojo Toolkit maven - The parent pom module with licenses, versions etc. maven/dojo - calls out to shrinksafe to build the standard dojo release bundles as zip, tar.gz and tar.bz2 maven/java - The parent pom for java dojo utilities maven/java/dojo - Packages dojo as a java Webapp. Maven projects will be able to use the zip, tar and/or war maven artifacts as dependencies and include them in their webapps as resources or templates. Currently there is no public dojo repository. So artifacts are only installed to your local maven repository. So maven projects will need build this locally. Eventually the artifacts will be published. The artifacts are also available at: ./dojo/target/dojo-1.1-SNAPSHOT.tar.gz ./dojo/target/dojo-1.1-SNAPSHOT.tar.bz2 ./dojo/target/ ./java/dojo/target/dojo-1.1-SNAPSHOT.war To build everything: mvn To re build the war file mvn -f java/dojo/pom.xml or cd java/dojo mvn To run a jetty server with the war mvn -f java/dojo/pom.xml jetty:run-war or cd java/dojo mvn jetty:run-war Dojo is then available on port 8080