Dijit Spinner Test
Try typing values, and use the up/down arrow keys and/or the arrow push buttons to spin
number spinner
initial value=900, no delta specified, no min specified, max=1550, onChange captured, big font
Spinbox #1:
initial value=1000, delta=10, min=9 max=1550
Spinbox with custom styling (width=50%, 200% Courier font):
Spinner line break test:
initial value not specified, delta not specified, min not specified, max not specified, signed not specified, separator not specified
[verify no line break just after this text]
[verify no line break just before this text]
Move the cursor left and right within the input field to see the effect on the spinner.
initial value=+1.0, smalldelta=0.1, largedelta=1.0, min=-10.9, max=155, places=1, maxLength=20
Real Number Spinbox #1:
Spinner with no maximum:
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