Dijit TextBox Globalization Test for Number

Before start this test, make sure the dojo/cldr/nls contains the data for "zh-cn", "fr-fr". If not, convert these CLDR data and put them there.

Number Format

Test DescriptionTestExpectedResultComment
Locale: zh_CN12,345.067 Compare (Escaped)
Locale: zh_CN-12,345.067 Compare (Escaped)
Locale: fr_FR12 345,067 Compare (Escaped)
Locale: zh_CN-12 345,067 Compare (Escaped)

Number Validate

Test DescriptionTestInputParsed ValueExpectedResultComment
Locale: zh_CN12345.067CorrectCorrect
Locale: zh_CN-12345.067CorrectCorrect
Locale: fr_FR12345.067CorrectCorrect
Locale: zh_CN-12345.067CorrectCorrect
8 tests to run in 1 groups
GROUP "t" has 8 tests to run
PASSED test: format-0 1 ms
PASSED test: format-1 0 ms
PASSED test: format-2 0 ms
PASSED test: format-3 1 ms
DEPRECATED: dijit.form.NumberTextBox::getValue() is deprecated. Use attr('value') instead. -- will be removed in version: 2.0
PASSED test: validate-0 6 ms
DEPRECATED: dijit.form.NumberTextBox::getValue() is deprecated. Use attr('value') instead. -- will be removed in version: 2.0
PASSED test: validate-1 5 ms
DEPRECATED: dijit.form.NumberTextBox::getValue() is deprecated. Use attr('value') instead. -- will be removed in version: 2.0
PASSED test: validate-2 4 ms
DEPRECATED: dijit.form.NumberTextBox::getValue() is deprecated. Use attr('value') instead. -- will be removed in version: 2.0
PASSED test: validate-3 3 ms
Total time for GROUP " t " is 20 ms
Total time for GROUP " t " is 20 ms
8 tests in 1 groups
0 errors
0 failures