Hover over markers, bars, columns, slices, and so on.
1: Markers, lines, 2D data, custom axis. Actions: Magnify, Tooltip.
2: Stacked lines, markers, shadows, no axes, custom strokes, fills, and markers. Actions: Magnify, Highlight.
3: Columns with gaps beetwen them, vertical axis aligned on major ticks, custom strokes, fills. Actions: Highlight, Tooltip.
4: Bars, axes aligned on major ticks, no minor ticks, custom strokes and fills. Actions: Highlight, Tooltip.
5: Clustered bars, custom axes, custom strokes, fills, and gap. Actions: Highlight, Tooltip.
6: Clustered columns with positive and negative values, axes, and grid. Actions: Highlight, Shake, Tooltip.
7: Stacked columns, no axes, custom strokes and fills. Actions: Highlight, Shake, Tooltip.
8: Stacked bars, no axes, custom strokes and fills. Actions: Highlight, Shake, Tooltip.
9: Bubble chart, axes. Actions: Magnify, Highlight, Tooltip.
10: Pie with internal custom labels, custom colors, and custom tooltips. Actions: MoveSlice, Highlight, Tooltip.
That's all Folks!