Automated scrollIntoView tests with 3 different DOCTYPEs as well as right-to-left
Scrollable parent != offsetParent:
INPUT { float:left; } HTML, BODY { overflow: hidden; }
Absolute positioned overflow container:
HTML { overflow-x:hidden !important; /*IE6*/ }
Absolute-positioned content:
HTML { overflow-x:hidden !important; /*IE6*/ }
Fixed-positioned node:
Fixed-positioned scrollable content:
HTML { overflow:hidden !important; /*IE6*/ } INPUT { height:20px; width:20px; }
Double scrollbars with absolute positioned content:
INPUT { height:28px; width:28px; }
Complex scrollable inner content, no scrollbars:
BODY { overflow:hidden !important; /*IE9*/ }
Nothing to do:
HTML { overflow:hidden !important; /*IE6*/ } BODY { overflow:hidden !important; /*IE9*/ }
HTML { overflow-x:hidden !important; /*IE6*/ }
Inner scrollable content with scrollbars:
HTML { overflow:hidden !important; /*IE6*/ } BODY { padding:10px; } TABLE { OPR_float:left; }
position:absolute TD content:
Oversized content:
HTML { IEZ_overflow:scroll !important; /*IE6*/ } BODY { OPT_overflow:scroll !important; }
HTML/BODY padding:
HTML, BODY { padding:50px 9px; } HTML { overflow-x:hidden !important; /*IE6*/ }