someGrid.printGrid({ title: "A title: All Content", cssFiles: ["cssfile1.css","cssfile2.css"], writerArgs: {table:"border='border'"}, fetchArgs: {start: 0, count: 100} });
someGrid.printSelected({ title: "A title: Only Selected", cssFiles: ["cssfile1.css","cssfile2.css"], writerArgs: {table:"border='border'"} });
Generate an HTML string containing all the content in the grid and then print it.
someGrid.exportToHTML({ title: "Export All To HTML", cssFiles: ["cssfile1.css","cssfile2.css"], writerArgs: {table:"border='border'"}, fetchArgs: {start: 0, count: 100} }, function(html){ /* do sth with the generated html page */ });
var html = someGrid.exportSelectedToHTML({ title: "Export Selected Rows to HTML", cssFiles: ["cssfile1.css","cssfile2.css"], writerArgs: {table:"border='border'"} });
Do not print, only generate html string. Users can use this to implement preview.
someGrid.exportGrid("csv", { writerArgs: {separator:":"}, fetchArgs: {start: 0, count: 100} }, function(str){ /* do sth with str */ });
var str = someGrid.exportSelected("csv", { writerArgs: {separator:"###"} });
Export grid content to a specified format.
Note: To see the tundra theme, just append ?theme=tundra to the URL.