The Dojo Foundation is a 501(c)(6) non-profit organized to help promote the adoption of Dojo and to provide a healthy environment for JavaScript engineering of every stripe.

Sponsors and Partners

The Dojo Foundation is supported through the generous donations of it's sponsors and members:

IBM JotSpot SitePen Renkoo AOL TurboAjax Group Open Laszlo


Dojo is Open Source software, distributed by a non-profit foundation which has been set up for the purpose of providing a vendor-neutral owner of Dojo intellectual property. The goals of all Foundation licensing decisions are to:

In order to ensure to users of Foundation projects that there is no ambiguity or hidden liability regarding the use of Foundation code, all contributors are required to provide signed Contributor License Agreements (individual and/or corporate).

The Dojo Toolkit is currently dual-licensed. The preferred license is the Academic Free License v2.1. All Dojo Foundation projects release their code under the terms of this license. Both licenses:

Users who wish to include The Dojo Toolkit with software licensed under the (L)GPL will want to use Dojo under the terms of the BSD License. Foundation projects may request a variance from the Foundation to release their projects under additional licenses in conjunction with the AFL.

If you have further questions regarding Dojo licensing, please do not hesitate to contact Alex Russell, current President of the Dojo Foundation.

Contributor License Agreements

To contribute to the Dojo Toolkit, we require that you sign a Contributor License Agreement. The purpose of this agreement is to ensure that the Dojo Foundation has clear title to all contributions, which in turn allows the Foundation to guarantee to all users of the toolkit that no "stray" intellectual property or differently-licensed code. The CLA doesn't imply that you are giving the copyright of the code to the Foundation, just a license to that copyright and any applicable patents that you may hold. Ensuring that all the code in Dojo is "clean" means that you can use Dojo in commercial and Open Source projects alike without hesitation.

Similarly, we ask any companies that wish to contribute code to the Dojo Toolkit send in a Corporate Contributor License Agreement.

Projects of the Dojo Foundation

The Dojo Foundation sponsors two projects: the Dojo Toolkit and OpenRecord, a semi-structured data engine and UI geared towards database and spreadsheet content.